Leica M10R and Leica 50mm 1.4 ASPH in Rome
…It all started with a visit in Rome during spring…
Rome was a place that we, me and my girlfriend, intended to visit sincer forever, so, this year, after the easing of the restrictions concerning covid, we finally did it.
This was a good moment to put the M10R to the test, but if you are looking for numbers and formulas, well, this is just not that kind of a review. I will mostly show you photos and talk about my experience with the camera.
Let me start with a confession: I’m a big fan of auto-focus, so if your next question is “what were you doing with this camera?” I can’t blame you. But then again, look at it, a beautiful small package with a lot of power - 40mp full frame sensor (7864 x 5200 Pixels full of joy) in under 2kg with the lens on. I said that I’m not going to bother you with numbers though.
When it comes to travel, we all know that being able to pack light is very important, so having a great camera in such a small package is important, especially that i’m wearing it on me all the time.
The files that you are about to see are all edited (light, colors and some straightening), so these are not the native colors of the camera, but I believe that these are not that far from the raw file.
Very important is the fact that for a better surfing experience, the files had to be heavily resized. Imagine if a JPG has around 20mb these files are uploaded at maximum 200-300kb. If you want to see any full size file, just send me a message and we can talk.
You have to agree, this camera is a goddamn good looking camera!
The Q2 was the second camera we had with us, so during our flight, I was trying to play with the focus.
As I was saying, I’m a fan of AF, but even when the focus was off, the image was so beautiful.
Usually it’s Abi in my frame, but guess what, she liked the m10 so much that she wanted to try taking some photos… not bad I would say
The dynamic range of the M10R is just wow
Wide open at 1.4 with the sun in the back… not much left to be said.
As I was saying, she is very into this camera
Well, this is a combination that could easily become my daily camera. I love the colours, the level of detail is amazing, the dinamic range is so nice, you could save so much from the shadows - I shoot a bit underexposed, so I need those shadows, it is small, it is light and at the end of the day it’s a camera that you can count on.
I should maybe tell you that my biggest fear remains the manual focus, but it seems to slowly fade off, I’ll let you know…
If you want to see some good deals for this camera or this lens, from a place that has the know-how to give you the right answers, I would recomand you Leica store Berlin (click for the link ). This is the place where I got my first Leica and they were always of great help to me.